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I don't know but for some reason i just see this generation ending soon.....just a gut feeling. I feel microsoft and nintendo have earned a lot of money considering they actually earn money per console sold.....I feel like to maintain the lead and stomp out sony, microsoft might release a backwards compatible new system that will actually run all the older model games with no problems at all, almost like a computer upgade. New hardware old OS.
At the same time though with ps3 new technology all they have to do is add that graphics card they were planning on putting in the ps3,but didn't have time to drop in cause microsoft released early, a little more ram and a 16 X blu-ray drive. Within the next few years all of those things will be CHEAP....blu ray costs will drop in price, and ram is already cheap as it is.
It's just that both systems have the opportunity to strike and strike HARD. Sadly to say with the new flow of income from nintendo....Wii HD is not far off so its anyone's game still.

To sum that all up......all easy upgrades.

Microsoft = Computer. replace a few parts and release early to destroy sony
Sony = New technology already. but not to full potential, within few years give it the good stuff and viola....a beast.
Nintendo - just make it like todays consoles with motion support.

Easily done...all of them.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2