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90 Arcades is without question not a typical Wal-Mart especially so if it is small like you say. I have no reason not to believe the OP figures, but then again these are not going to be clearly reflected come NPD. They may however be typical for the area perhaps. You can read reports on the net that many Wal-Marts got between 16-32 Arcades bundles. You can add onto that some additional Arcades outside the bundles. The rest should make up pros and some Elites. Now I'm certain some bigger Wal-Marts in large metro areas got much more and perhaps even a smaller Wal-Mart yet in a large metro hub. 70 PS3s again is way, way more than a usual Wal-Mart allotment today or anywhere near sale through rate for that matter.  Although again some of them may have had that sale through rate.  DS and Wii figures are interesting, but again probably not reflective of the country overall today. The Wii price cut is admittedly a little crazy.