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akuma587 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Cougarman said:
unbelievable, its sad someone had to die just because some idiots didnt want to miss out on some deals, not good day for human kind


How about thousands of people a day being murdered in Africa because of what tribe they are from, and no one over here giving a shit about it?

Yea, this sucks, but it does not even come close to effecting the overall state of humankind.

Indeed.  If this is our low point, then we are doing pretty damn good.




I agree we should care about other countries and deaths but we need to get our own country's problems under control first. I think that there should be more dramatic and important headlines than a clerk dies in the line of duty. So maybe we should stop making a big deal out of one death while our country goes to CRAP. Maybe how our country is in one of the biggest econmic drops on US history. That is the major thing we must get under control before worrying about Africans as well as the rest of the world and thier problems.

Currently Playing: Mass Effect (360)

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed" - Gandhi