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The FF XIII was a shocking announcemet, right?

FF XIII decision was not shocking, and the same will happen to FF XIII Vs unless Sony moneyhat SE.

BKK2, here is a scenario for you: If the 360 will continue to outsell the PS3 at the current pace for several more months, many small developers with limited budgets may start doing do the following math:

PS3 = small and dwindling market share + difficult development & bad tools + no-so-great attach rate + prolonged release process.

The cost of porting is tiny compared to the amount of extra sales. Even if PS3 stopped selling today the installed base is easily high enough to justify the PS3 version.

For them, it might just be worth to skip the PS3, develop with the great tools Microsoft provides as native 360 title with no compromises, finish early, release early and enjoy the great attach rate of the 360.

You forgot the ™ and ® signs.

Right now it isn't happenning often. "Kill all humans" was such a case though. However, with the current economic climate where capital is drying out we might see more small-time-titles be forced into finishing the release on a smaller budget and that may mean cutting support for their non-leading platform. They may even get concessions from the platform owner for granting them the exclusivity (shared promotions or lower royalties).

Except Kill all Humans is still in development for PS3, it's just been delayed until next year.