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Madanial said:
Everyone got their taste and style ,so yes.Not everyone like Metroid series. :)

Same as i don't like to play horror FPS like Doom3 ,Dead Space etc.(And i also head Ghoul in Fallout 3 too ,but i love that game XD)

I can't believe it. That's the exact same gripe I have with Fallout 3. It's a great game apart from the zombies. I'm a big scaredy cat and I find myself having to play the ghoul quests during the day. I don't like horror FPS as well. Resident Evil is another one I'd mention. I'm not a big fan of FPS, and I can't stand horror movies. Oh, and I hate anime, so we're not like kindred spirits or something.

I'm apathetic about both Zelda and Metroid games. I've never seen what's so special about them.