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Grey Acumen said:
damkira said:
I_Heart_Nintendo said:
Grey Acumen. Just because you say its a choice, and that is what you were taught at sunday school by some kiddie-fiddlers, does not mean that it is true.

You never hear actual gay people saying "its a choice" its always straight people who say that, apart from the few uncle toms who have supposedly been "cured" of homosexuality. People tell themselves homosexuality is a choice in order to justify their own bigotry to themselves.

Ah, how easy it is to dismiss another point of view. Only straight people say that its a choice. The gay people that say its a choice aren't actually gay, they're straight people in disguise.

Are you gay? I didn't think so. I am and can tell you that at no point in my life did I ever choose to be gay. Most people wouldn't choose that because there are so many hateful bigots like yourself who try to make life difficult for us.

The most prominent of these groups claiming to cure homosexuals had its founder (a male) leave the group and denounce it only to be with a male volunteer. You are who you are.

Of course, I love my boyfriend and never hesitate to show affection but its most fulfilling in public where our mere presence will make the blood of people like you boil.