souixan on 28 March 2007
Bonafide732 said:
1up has an ariticle on this already.. so i want to ask everybody here what you think?? Rememeber the question is which one has better value.. Before you answer make sure you know what each system offers and doesnt offer.. this is meant to be a good discussion not a flame war
Microsoft's Xbox 360 Elite Includes:
HDMI Output
120 GB Hard Drive (available separately for $179.99)
Wired-to-controller Headset
Wireless Controller
Component Cable
Composite Cable
Price: $479.99
Sony's PlayStation 3 Includes:
Blu-ray Disc player
HDMI output
60 Gig HDD
Composite Cable
Wireless controller (with a five foot cable that charges the controller)
Wireless Online out of the Box
Free online play
Price: $599.99
Xboxlive Silver is Free as well so freeonline goes both ways. I actually applaud the Microsoft system of allowing you to buy increased functionality if you so choose too while providing a solid free service.