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mrstickball said:
NeoRatt said:
I am disappointed in the HD installs. I got NXE, and put a bunch og games on my HD.

I have more then one 360 in my house and always switch between by unplugging my HD and putting it on another console because it saves time in downloading your profile from Live.

Well, the HD install is tied to the console so when you switch consoles you have to reinstall, making it useless for me.

I tend to think that the reason the installs are tied to a console would be to avoid people that install 20 games on a HDD, then sell the HDD off for pirating.


I would have thought they would install and register some sort of serial number on the Live network (assuming every DVD is serialized somehow), then one DVD could only be installed on one drive.  If someone tried to run the serial number on two machines simultaneously the serial number could be permanently shut off by Microsoft. 

I just found it disappointing...  The first time they added a feature that didn't meet my expectation for what it was.

Next, I will try installing to a USB drive, if successful I will buy a bunch and use that on every 360 I own and only keep my gaming profile and marketplace stuff on the 360 itself.