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mysticD said:
whatever said:
I agree with bigjon to a point. Videos of highly discounted bundles that are in short supply doesn't mean we are about to see the 360 outsell the Wii. I went to walmart when they had the $99 Toshiba HD-DVD player sale and it was a madhouse trying to get those units. Well, that didn't end so well for HD-DVD.

As for NA sales. I'd see the 360 at 500k and Wii at about 800k. Though this site has a history of over tracking the 360, so it might show up over 600k.

So by that same logic, that $129.00 Blu-ray probably will spell doom for blu-ray after this holiday??

As for 360 being overtrack, I think it was undertrack last NPD so yeah, let spread more FUD.


So I wouldn't say that Blu-ray is a massive success because the $129.00 BR player sold out quickly.  That BR has a long way to go still.

One time being undertracked does not make up for the many times it has been overtracked.  Like I said in another thread.  The 360 has to cross 20 million 4 times before it stayed there.