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arsenicazure said:


  • the first 4 billion that M$ lost was due to nvidia and that xbox pricing debacle.. it had nothing to do with with being "bleeding edge".. the rest is due to RRod which is due to poorly engineered hardware
  • SONY is bleeding thanx to blu ray.. which has nothing to do with gaming but a lot to do with SONY pictures and their need to dominate over M$, apple etc.
  • nintendo have been lucky that they havent had to deal with sucky hardware or a need to overtake your entertainment living room.

If SONY and m$ really wanna stay ahead of nintendo they will have to provide something nintendont.. and since mario, zelda and pokemon already belong to nintendo its gonna be high performance hardware or/and an immersive online experience, again something which nintendont



Well then, it seems like you've got all bases covered, and an answer for everything.


The point being, the two companies have always followed the "loss leading"  philosophy. Spin it however you want to, at some point they're going to choose not taking a massive hit just to get their console into peoples houses. There are more rewarding paths to take, Nintendo proved that. There are other reasons, like the cost for developers to actually take advantage of said technology, but that's a debate I can't really be bothered getting into.


They will use technology suitable for the age they are released in. The chances of them trying to out-do PC's again are getting slimmer by the day (PC's actually out performed the ps3 by the time it was released in Europe). They'll take a tiny loss or try and break even out of the gates.