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Oyvoyvoyv said:
Kasz216 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Cougarman said:
unbelievable, its sad someone had to die just because some idiots didnt want to miss out on some deals, not good day for human kind


How about thousands of people a day being murdered in Africa because of what tribe they are from, and no one over here giving a shit about it?

Yea, this sucks, but it does not even come close to effecting the overall state of humankind.

Those people are fighting for a reason though, and there is a reason they kill innocents. I'm not saying that makes it OK, but this guy here died solely because people were stupid, and for no real reason at all.


I'm not sure i'd put racism over value shopping when it comes to a good reason to kill people.  They're both really stupid.


Is it really just racism though? I figure it is more a fight for land/territories (like in 17xx Europe). I don't really know a lot about it though, so I may be completely wrong.


Most of the time it's just racism fueled by the dictators in charge  to keep politcal power by using the minority as a scapegoat for why things suck.

Think Nazi Germany, except since they aren't as organized as Germany they just hand out Machete's and convince the people to do the dirty work.