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Max King of the Wild said:
disolitude said:
I don't think anyone intelligent cares if a console is outselling another long as their console has the games that they want to play.

I think a sega dreamcast owner was a lot happier in 2000 and 2001 than a ps2 owner. Yet ps2 sold much more...

Seing PS3 outsold like this did teach a Sony many valuable lessons...such as that bundling hardware features doesn't matter if the price isn't right and that depending on 3rd parties for your big hits is like depending on a hooker to stay with you even when the money is gone.

But despite all this PS3 is still a viable console today and will get its time to shine...late 2009/early 2010 in my opinion.

Ill get one again when price is right.


 It will sell more systems than most 2nd and 3rd place consoles previous gens and possibly more than some first place ones. (i dont know how many consoles each system sold)

It may have an outside chance to beat SNES (sub 50 mil) which was first place. And it will surely outsell mastersystem(13 mil) Genesis(29), n64(33) and xbox(24) which were second place.