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Okay, here is the list of WMDSers:
1. OkeyDokey
2. lolita
3. Madanial
4. Shams
5. tehsage
6. SmokedHostage
7. Finnbar
8. Garnett
9. frybread
10. Dazkarieh
11. noname2200
12. appolose
13. Soma
14. Bong Lover
15. elgefe02
16. gurok
17. Millennium
18. dib8rman
19. famousringo
20. dark_gh0st_b0y
21. RCTjunkie

Also, 4 things:
A) A like the logo, Madanial. Is there a way to fix the typo and make it smaller?
B) Any Wii Music haters feel free to bash the game. The defense squad needs practice.
C) If you're a member, put it in your sig and/or profile.
D) If someone hasn't done so, could you sticky this thread, please?