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Sony Discussion - BUY LBP - View Post

CGI-Quality said:
@ Omega

That's some...

I was actually hoping someone would call me. 

Here's the biggest one imo: Earthbound/Mother 2.  Sure it sold around 800 K in Japan, but it flopped here on the Western side.  I mainly blame NoA for that as their quality of advertising was horrible.  This is my favourite game of all time.

Another big one:  it's sequel: Mother 3.  This one can't really be helped as it was only released in Japan, and NoA decided to be dicks and not translate it (ty  Probably one of my second favourite games of all time.

Another one:  Kirby Super Star Ultra DS.  Definitely one of the best remakes ever made.  It's not doing terribly, but not spectacular either.

A couple other quick ones: Medal of Honor Heros 2, Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, Ratchet and Clank: ToD, Uncharted Drake's Fortune, Heavenly Sword.


Note I'm not saying these games did badly, I'm saying I think they deserved to have better sales, which is what I'm responding to CGI about.  Anyways, I have proven my point.