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Roma said:
disolitude said:
Roma said:
disolitude said:
You nintendo fans cant wait till you get an HD wii ha?


Well yes I can’t wait for the new Nintendo innovative system because that’s what we will be getting wile you will get a copy of what Nintendo did this gen ;)


LOL. First of all I have the wii. And if wii 2 doesn't suck, I will have that as well...

Secondly, Nintendo won't even copy what they did this generation, why would sony and microsoft? If they wanted motion controls they would have done it already. The whole reason nintendo is not HD is because they could not afford anymore to play ball with the big boys and were forced to come up with something else...which paid of for them...with interest.

So now that they can afford it finally, nintendo can release something that is technologically competitive next gen and they may possibly get ports of Resident Evils, Final Fantasy, GTA and other industry leading 3rd party games...

Lastly, Nintendo did plenty of copying back in the day with Sega being more innovative since the get go...and then Sony showing them the ropes. I wouldn't get my hopes up too high for more innovation from the big N for a while.

lol I really don’t get that so you mean they will not be innovative for a wile yet they will not copy and improve what they have now? So they will go back to regular controllers?


And why MS and Sony will copy them? That’s an easy one, because they are successful!  


And no I don’t think it is because they couldn’t afford it, they wanted to make it easy for developers to make games at the same time as they were implementing Wiimote stuff. You see if it was HD it would cost more and there for make it more intimidating for developers to jump on.

I'd love for nintendo to innovate and improve their future console even more...but they have motion controls going for them now. We most likely will see an improvement in graphics, motion control sensor possibly...but I don't see nintendo deviating too far from the Wii with their next gen console...especially if Sony and MS decide not to follow that route.

Take a look at the DSi... I still don't know what nintendo is thinking there. possibly they are buying time until they figure out something else but to me that seems like a rehash.

I really can't imagine MS copying nintendo however. They are profitable, and have their own thing going for them now...a reputation...PC in a console... for them to go the nintendo route would be an equal shock to their core gamers as it would to nintendo fans if Mario was made in to a porno game.