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Skeeuk said:
Legend11 said:

The PS3 is starting to get that stink of third place smell (like the Gamecube did) that is almost impossible to shake. It's getting to the point where by the time Sony does have a pricecut the gap will likely be over >7 million and people will be talking about 2010 being the "Year of the PS3".


well ps3 has had a great year this year........nobody expected economic situation and major 360 price reductions. but game releases will continue.

imo ps3 had the better releases this 2009 will start with killzone 2 and soom, whats urs begin with? i cant think of anything good out on 360.....apart from a couple of expansion packs possible froza, and ninja blade and star ocean. games on ps3 will be superior in 2009 than on 360

with titles like god of war, heavy rain, and highly possible gt5 to name but a few.

it may be difficult for ps3 to catch 360 in 2009, but that dont mean any less games will be out on ps3.

One problem that I forsee is that all those games started development when it was believed that the PS3 would sell like hot cakes. That when the games were released there would be a far greater userbase than there currently is.

Those companies are now gonna have to rethink.

I doubt anyone will be willing to put 4 years of development into a game that probably won't sell as well as they'd hoped when they started the development.

The future to these companies looks very different to what it did when they started development on these games.