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arsenicazure said:
Roma said:
arsenicazure said:
hey nintendo.. heres wht nintendo shd fix:

-graphics: atleast 720p even though next gen will prolly be at 1080-1440p
-sound: a lil more than stereo sound..
-internet: its been around since '95... jezus..implement it in a good way already
-M titles: coz kids shdnt be ur only target market.

there... now if they fix all that.. nintendo will be competing with the most innovative companies... until then its still gonna be a console that would be cutting edge in '98 sans the motion feature


Oh pleas shut up!!


Nintendo wants’ to sell to as many people as possible if you don’t like it well don’t buy their system! Mario, Zelda, SSBB, Pikmin and Metroid are all kids’ games so there is nothing for you here!


Let me explain to you what you look at and decide it’s a kid’s game. You look at a colorful game and its kiddy all of a sudden! Or maybe you are one of the cool dudes who does what the cool guys do. (Note I said maybe not that you are) Well have you ever thought about if a kid can complete the game? Well you would have to be very smart to go though Pikmin if you are a kid (-7). And really good if you complete Metroid or Zelda or Mario. Games can be colorful yet made hard.


By making a game with no blood and violence most people can play them. No blood does not equal non mature games they just don’t need the rating.


Sorry for that I had to get it out :P




Nintendo will have a good future but not as good as this one because the other two will have learned from them and will be more innovative (for MS and Sony that means copy).


If Nintendo fallows the same path as before as with the NES and SNES = 2D grafix > better 2D grafix and the same with the N64 and GC it will be a very even battle between the three in the next gen wars. But if they do something new well that’s something ells they might succeed and they might not. Not all risks pay of but to move on to the next thing you have to take risks.   


Clearly only blood n guns means mature for you. how awesome is that. My point is if nintendo didnt have such a "omg lets try NOT to offend anyone" defensive syndrome the wii might have been great. Yes Nintendo games are fun. No doubt but EVEN sega has tried to do something different and interesting( rome:total war,bayonetta,chromehounds,madworld) but nintendo is just busy milking mario and the pikmins for all they are worth.


If your a fan of the nintendo wii "friend" system then you clearly havent tried PSN or live. The wii is a good system. Pity it only has nintendo IP's and motion control as claim to that fame.I enjoy my wii but i dont enjoy the 15 mins brawl connecting game waiting screen.

good motion control shouldnt equal= crap everything else

lol no that’s what I was explaining to you :P that blood and gore does not = mature!


And all those games are just published by Sega not created and unlike Sega Nintendo knows how to do great games. Sega is not as good as it used to be. Oh Sega is not milking Sonic you say? No we only use milking when it comes to Nintendo games. Every company does it. Creating new successful stuff is not an easy thing to do that’s something people need to get in to there thick head.   


Sure Nintendo is not doing everything correct and yes I have a 360 and tried Live and it was fun but I don’t want to pay for it. The friend system sucks and they should do something about it like have an age range. If you are over 18 you don’t need it for instants or something like that.     


And good motion controls has not equaled in crap everything ells, pleas give an example of what games you are talking about and only games that deserves to be mentioned not ubisoft shit!




    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(