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So ,Paramount movies were selling 2 units in BR and 1 in HD-DVD and they decide to cut 2/3 of their market becasue they have researched so .Two options

1)Some directives drink too much and then take decisions .

2)Someone is subsidizing Paramount with enough money for them that they can happily drop the format that gives them the higher sales .

In both cases its a shame on Paramount .And for the one that is handling them money to do this .

I am a bit suprised but it isnt so important .If I want Transformers I will buy it in DVD and it is a nice movie but nothing groundbreaking .Now if Lord of the Rings Extended Editions was exclusively available in HD-DVD (not even in DVD ) from the word go then I would consider buying a HD-DVD .Tranformers ?Not even close .

In any case ,this market changes very fast ,maybe we havent heard last word from this issue .Maybe its only a pressure method by Paramount to receive better conditions seeing the conditions Sony is offering Universal to tempt it etc ....We must wait and see .