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I don't knoe about that man. I think theres a lot of blur attached to that.
.. I don't knoe man. Does anyone else agree with that?
I don't. I mean I think our government does some shitty things, but I don't think thats at all part of the equation.

To propose another point in turn. To be brutul about it. Our government looks at us as harvest cattle. Ultimatly they don't give a fuck about us in anyway. They want us cattle to just herd around happily providing them with their resources with as little complaint as possible. If this whole ordeal services them, they will pass it, if it doesn't they don't want to debate it.
Cold hard truth? They give marriages tax breaks so parents can spend more money on their children and support the economy, and conversely not giving them tax breaks will have recessive effects and cause families to become smaller and ultimatly less tax income for them. Government doesn't bother themselves with the details of our "humanity", man.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself