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Commando said:
WEll (I don't knoe why I'm bothering with this other than I like to join in debate) thats something that's instintive to my personality and I have the choice of saying no to it, but I choose not to. ha ha ha

Any rate. I think one thing that is failed to be missed here is the fact that why are homos asking for marriage? I don't think it's because they want to represent the classic family structure just in there own way. I mean, Homosexuality is inherently non-standard to the practice of marriage.

What the TRUE matter of this whole thing is, like virtually everything, money.

Gays want rights because it's far more affordable for legal-married citizens to live, through tax benefits and other things. Two men (or women) living together don't qualify for this among other things. To me there in lies the whole debacle. If tax practices where changed to a non-family oriented structure this argument would die out. Though of course, others would surely arise.

To me all this other banter and civil rights bricka-brack is just the smoke screen liberal chat, chosen because it sounds more viable of a vantage point. It's crap. Homosexuality isn't a race. It's not even a religion. (It's not even mexico - Homer Simpson)/lol. but seriously, it's not a civil rights issue. That notion is insulting.

 Denying certain people a tax break based on their sexual orientation absolutely is a civil rights issue. You are favoring one group over another. How is it aythign other than a civil rights issue?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229