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Grey Acumen said:
I honestly don't believe there is a genetic predisposition towards homosexuality, I think most of it is.... not so much learned, but influenced by our experiences as we develop, and the only part any genetic predisposition plays is how those influences are handled.
This isn't really something you can test accurately though, so I'm not going to try to say that it's factual, but I'm also not going to accept if someone says that the opposite has been proven. The amount of data that can be held back by people is far too debilitating to get an accurate analysis of the issue, and the sheer number of variables that may or may not influence the issue is again debilitating.

 I'll grant you we have no hard evidence. Still there are signs pointing to some genetic predisposition. Mostly this is seen in twins studies, and presence in other animals. Still we have wandered wildly off-topic. What I was trying to get at was if it was genetic in origin it would easily be considered discriminatory. Of course it looks like we can't agree on the genetic disposition so I don't think that point really stands.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229