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ok if you have an image that is displaying at 720 and being upscaled to a higher resolution what the screen has to do is kind of blend the pixels together and then kind of redraw the image at the higher resolution, what happens then is any lines that might be on an angle will end up jagged as it tries to blend a line created to run perfectly along 1 pixel increments into 1.5 or 2 pixel increments. You get parts in a line that instead of jumping by 1 pixel they jump by 2 pixels or the line is forced to be blended between 4 pixels in a best fit kind of manner and that’s even worse. I don’t really know any other way of explaining how to tell the difference, but it’s very visible if you have the eyes for it. (its terrible during racing games because the lines in the car doors etc show up all jaggy instead of fine 1 pixel lines.

If at first you don't succeed, you fail