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hey guys I just got a quick question with a resolution problem. Ok I bought a new 360 2 weeks ago and then baught a new Samsung 40" series 5 LCD tv on wednesday which displays 1080P. I baught a ps3 at the same time and it displays 1080P with no problem through the HDMI cable I bought.  Any way, My 360 wont display at 1080, either through the HDMI cable or component cables :( This is the strange thing, The 360 is set to 1080p and the TV says its recieving a 1080p signal but the image is displaying an upscaled 720p image :'( So I get some nasty jaggy edges etc. And I know the difference betwene 720p and 1080p so I'm not going crazy. I used to have the 360 on a 720p TV and that was all fine. Is my 360 broken or is this a known problem?

Thanks for any of your answers :)

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