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Grey Acumen said:

That's an interesting question, if not overly insulting. Are you implying that the sexual activity of the gay community, or of the human race as a whole, is nothing more than that of an animal? The whole issue that sets us above animals is not communication or the use of tools, many cases have been found where animals already have this, what sets us apart is our ability to not be slaves to instinct. We CAN CHOOSE to NOT HAVE SEX.

Ultimately, animals do NOT have a choice BECAUSE they are ANIMALS, the human gay community doesn't really have this excuse to fall back on. They have choice simply by being human.
Animals are also known to mount entirely different species and inanimate objects when a candidate from their own species isn't present when their instinct to mate hits them. Are you saying beastiality should be accepted and supported among humans because they apparently don't have a choice?

(No, I am not drawing an equivalence between homosexuality and beastiality, but merely the equivalence between using animals in those arguments)

 I feel I should start by apologizing. Looking at my statement my point was not as clear as I thought it would be. I meant the the notion that if everyone thought about the points you made would change how they think about everything is a bit overly arrogant. Hopefully it didn't get lost too much in the poor presentation.

 You did kind of dance around one point in your response though. I doubt it was intentional though so I am not trying to be an ass with this. Is it possible for there to be a genetic predisposition then in humans as we are just animals in the end? Yes, we are animals that can think and that is something unique to the primate family. I am gathering you think regardless of this it should be abstained from, but that is an arguement I am too tired to get into.

You have my answer. The sociopath would kill without remorse. Similarly the gay man would have sex with a man because he naturally enjoys it. The other two would kill and feel remorse. The straight man could have sex with another man, but it wouldn't be what he really wanted. You need a different analogy to get your point across.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229