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Yulegoat said: Btw. in what sense is the Wii remote buggy?
In in Wario Ware, bungee Buddies, some times they jump when you blink and other times they wont jump if you shake the wiimote with all your might. (I'm not stupid I know you cant jump for like 2 seconds after you jump) In Red Steel, The pointer seems to have accuracy problems. Among the sword stuff is REALLY wonky. In NFS, it forces you to use the horrible controll scheme. If you don't believe me RENT it. (do NOT buy it) Due to the fact it forces you to use the... physical side of things, it is probibally the most horrible control scheme I've ever seen. Due to the fact it forces you to use that control scheme... if it would let you use something like... b=gas a=brake z=e-brake c=camera change it would seriously be a 20x better game. of all the games I've played in the last year... that was probibally the worst, not because of the game, but because I could not find enjoyment playing the game. Rayman is fairly good, although mini-games arent my favorite thing. Zelda is great. I want to see more like zelda. games that are fun, traditional, useing the extra features on the wiimote. I have mario64 for my DS. I had very very very high hopes for the Wii. I have owned every nintendo system except the VR one that came out in the early/mid 90's. For a list... NES, SNES, GB, N64, GBA, Cube, GBA:SA, DS, Wii. I like my cube better than my Wii so far on gameplay. My smear agianst the controller is... they can not force you to use the controller in weird un-thought out ways. It makes the console look bad, and games for it look REALLY bad. I've played every PS3 game. Only 1 is worth buying. but the others are not horrible games, they are all fun. Red Steel is HORRIBLE. NFS is HORRIBLE. (it's ok on the PS3 because your not forced to use the control scheme) Wario Ware was my first wario, however, it has made me think twice about nintendo. I paid 50$ for a nintendo brand game, that has about as much content as a private made home game. Zelda is the only game that I really like on the Wii. I want Metriod prime. and Mario... I'm not sure if it's going to be mario64 enough. (I always felt mario64 is the best designed 3d mario so far, just needed yoshi, and a real flying cape, and eating shrooms makes you big. ;) ) the online for the Wii has already failed. (read what nintendo says about it.) my PS3 is in constant use even though I'm usually playing PS2 games on it. my Wii hasnt been turned on since 3 days after wario ware came out. My heart is with the Wii. My money is with the PS3. (also, sony is fixing stuff in their updates IE: PS3 v1.50)

PSN ID: Kwaad

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