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Gnizmo said:


 Lemme boil this down to its essence though. How many people actually chose one way or another, and how many just end up being what they are? A metric fuckton just are what they are. Why are the peoplewho don't have a choice different from the people who do? Why can't everyone choose whether or not to be into the opposite sex? Your entire argument is on the shakiest of foundations because of that. When you can explain why only some people are hard wired you will have a much better chance of convincing me you have any idea of what you are talking about. I ask one last time, why is it only hardwired in some people?


See, and thats why its not a straw man argument. Because you "feel" that the point of fetishes/lifestyles has no correlation to the point is different than what is. The point I made was relative to the conversation and actualyl asking you your stance on it as opposed to insisting what you said. Yet I digress there.

So you want to know why some people choose to be the way they are and some people don't get the choice. Let's take it into a different realm for a moment, something a little less "gray" and more definable-  murderers.

Im sure we can agree that there are some people just not born with what people claim as "normal" brain patterns, which lead them to be serious sociopaths. These people tend to either become murderers or plot to, making it their core focus.

Then we have the people who think its fun to go around and drag someone to death from the back of a pickup truck, for no good reason. They otherwise were normal people, no signs of a troubled past, etc. We hear the story all the time "He seemed like such a normal person". yet they chose to go out and take someone's life because they were bored or drunk or said something about their mama or whatever.

Then there's the vendetta. The person who decides to kill someone else for revenge. They could easily choose to bring a person to justice, but instead they take the law into their own hands.

All 3 are murderers, but 2 of them became murderers by their own choice, one of them was born with a hardwiring for it.

So, can you see now how some people can be hardwired, while others can come to the same place on their own, free-willed terms? Saying that all gay people are hard-wired to be gay is far too black and white for a very gray world. Not all gay people are "born gay", as I have many gay friends who would gladly back that up.