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Sad day... Michael Rudder was among the casualties...

It sucks that he got shot (especially, for no good reason), but He's still alive. What about the 100+ people that are dead, for no reason, other than hatred, ignorance, and prejudice.


MrBubbles said:
xlost7 said:
Damn, I hope this wasn't intentionally done. If so, people need to get a life. I mean seriously why shoot, just walk up to him and say what the reasoning is and settle it. What hell is the point of guns.

I hope everything is okay with him and I wish the best on his recovery.


yeah...the terrorists went on a rampage all over the city just as a distraction from there real target....a voice actor for video games


That still sounds intentional to me, but I guess that will teach him to voice a character that stops terrorist.


I know a lot of people don't watch the news, but the terrorist attack is a pretty big story. No offence, but it seems really naive to think it wouldn't be intentional, even if you didn't know what was going on. Yeah, there are lots of really horrible people all over the world, but that's life.