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EaglesEye379 said:
AKA pooperscooper said:
EaglesEye379 said:
AKA pooperscooper said:
madskillz said:
AKA pooperscooper said:
If you wont play that much then I don't see you spending the 4-7 dollars a month for online. In that case I can not recommend a 360.

I pay $30 a year for LIVE. That's under $3 a month.


 Good for you. Someone who wont play all that much might not want a full year subscribtion


 Uhmm.. someone who wont play all that much doesnt need to get a full year in the first place which I think was the point. Suffice to say, I wonder how much of his investment in the Blu-Ray he is getting for the premium he paid.


 That was my point. His point was I was inflating the price. But since you said so yourself he doesn't need a full year than he is paying 7 dollars for month to month bases.

Uhmmm ok but in regards to the OP, whether its $3 or $4 - $7 its not applicable. He wants to buy the 360 to play the exclusives. You are making it sound like its only worth it if he wants to pay the online fee with a condition that he plays alot. The first thing that he stated was that he wont be playing alot, so having the online fee as an option is more of a plus, since he doesnt have to pay this $3 or $4 - $7.

In my 2 year ownership of the 360 I have only signed on for 3 months of Live, and yes I have played a heck load on my 360.


 Yes it is applicable. He is asking for opinions and my opinion is 360 aint worth it without online. Halo 3 (the biggest games on the 360) is only fun online in my opinion. I hated the SP. Gears of War 1/2 (Second biggest game)... again hated single player but enjoyed online. However I didn't like the 4 vs 4 only option. Was still fun. CoD4 I havent touched SP at all. And I can not recommend buying a 360 for SP games. I would however recommend some if the user already had a 360. (Especially since a lot are already multiplat)

On top of this his excuse is because it's cheap... So I'm assuming he'd get and arcade and that means no online. So I can not recommend a 360 to this user.