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Good question, I think it's more of a case of how much of a sales gap is needed to withstand the PS3's price drop next it's unlikely that they'll reach a 9 million 'point of no return' before Sony drops the price next year. It's also looking like the price drops aren't going to occur in tandem and more like every opposite year - of course I'm speculating but Microsoft has said that Europe won't get another price drop for a long time. A long time could be a year in such a competitive market and should their lead diminish or be in jeopardy they'll undoubtedly be forced to drop the price further, being that they've been so aggressive in keeping Sony at bay.

With the 360 now really taking off in sales we'll see what impact a PS3 price drop will have - is it a given that they'll start beating it in weekly sales again? 50% of 360 sales this holiday have apparently been the $199 Arcade...