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Dodece said:
There are so many rational arguments it is refreshing. Unfortunately I am not entirely sure the debate is actually rational. Yes you can adopt a geological frame of mind where the conclusion is worn out over prolonged periods of time, and I am sure if the gap continues to widen the contention will eventually deplete to nothingness.

However I am merely looking for the topographical feature that is both real and finalizing. That point in the war where the debate is clinched. Where we can say this was the margin needed to absolutely ensure the outcome, and it has been reached. Perhaps the number is rough and dirty. Perhaps it may be tragic that it takes a real number to settle the debate, but I think a number is about all that can settle the debate.

Throughout this generation the entire debate has hinged upon even three, four, five, eight months in the future. As if the finish line is always being moved further and further away. Perhaps to put off the inevitable, or perhaps to buy time for some incredible confluence. I really think this debate will be decided within the next six months. I just want the number that says yes this is where it is settled.

If you mean what is likely, then I would say that unless MS/2nd-Parties do something incredibly foolish or Sony/2nd-Parties do something incredibly amazing, I doubt the positions will change this generation.

But "it isn't over 'til it's over," so I can't believe any event other than the advent of the next generation will be finalizing.