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Sony Discussion - BUY LBP - View Post

This deserves better sales than it has been getting, if you have any doubts ditch em and by the game u will love it. With so much free DLC from the playstation store and more on the way it is a great buy. Also finding all of the items in the levels is extremely rewarding and helps you get more play time from the game. The level creator and peoples creations online will keep you entertained for months.


PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E


Consoles owned: Game Cube, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, PSP, PS1, PS2, PS3.

My prediction: NATAL WILL NOT help 360 sales. Maybe a 50-100k boost week 1, then a 30-70 k boost week 2, and back to the norm again after 3-5 weeks.