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I made some considerations and in my opinion the PS3 will show it's the best console on the next years. I might be wrong but...

Exclusives: IMO the list of exclusive games on the PS3 will be superior by far. Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, White Knight Chronicles, Yakuza 3, Heavy Rain, Team Ico Project and Final Fantasy XIII Versus seem to get over Halo Wars, Halo 3 expansion pack, Alan Wake, Star Ocean and Huxley.

Price: It is obviously the reason why the Xbox360 is selling better now, if not the other will be the current winner. Anyway, considering it doesn't have wifi, some versions lack hard disk and it makes people pay to get online it'll be pretty more expensive in the end (4 years of online playing x 60 €= 240 €).

Blu-ray vs DVD: I don't think having a blu-ray player along with your console is a bad option is you are into movies. Also supports DVDs and most of your own movie files, so it's the obvious choice. Also, DVDs are becoming small and downloads of big size no too quick, so Microsoft will probably sell one of these players sometime apart and not for free, I guess.

Internet interface: I think PS3's HOME is still in beta but it looks much more impressing than the 360's ugly avatars. HOME looks elaborate, it reminds me of Secons Life.

Bad publicity in the Internet: I'm not neither a fanboy of Sony and Microsoft, in fact I've always enjoyed Nintendo franchises and enjoy the hell out of my DS (also play a PC but I prefere consoles for playing). But, for what I read in Internet forums it seems there a lot of fanboys that had a Gamecube or XBOX and saw how their consoles were literally smashed by PS2 and now hate Sony.

I'll be buying a PS3 as soon as I finish Devil May Cry 4, Portal and Bioshock on my PC.

Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!