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Grey Acumen said:

Furthermore, I can't understand the interest. I have a cock, I know how it works, why would I be interested in some other guy's cock? Women though, that I knew nothing about until I actually got experience on the subject, even then I don't fully understand it, and am still learning even to this day.

 Forgive me for cutting out so much of your post, but I don't really have the energy to respond to all of it. I can come upwith a super long explanation that addresses the whole post more directly if you want, but one ofthe critical points is established in this paragraph so I will worry about it. Anything else is mostly just a moral argument which is rather subjective.

 Here is where I get tripped up though. You say it is entirely a choice, and then say you can't understand why it would be appealing at all. That hints at something fairly profound. Why is it that you can't understand why it is something another person would be interested in? I'd put forth that it is a genetic disposition personally, but I am curious what you would say.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229