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So you're saying that ALL homosexuality or bi-sexuality is genetic/predetermined? Do you have any idea how absurd that sounds? So, is wanting to band fat chicks hard-wired too? What about cougars? How about people with all sorts of crazy fetishes? Is the S&M couple down the street into that because of predetermined circumstances? After all, these also are sexual preferences and lifestyles. By your explanation, all of these are hard-wired into people, as opposed to a choice or natural free-will preference.

 Wow, it has been a long time since I have seen anyone so desperately construct a straw man arguement. I am saying flat out sexual orientation is hard-wired yes. Fetishes are not hard wired though. Sexual orientation is not a fetish. Everything you described is a fetish and entirely seperate from the concept of sexual orientation.


Nice, so your retort is to use an overused expression that you apparently have no understand of the meaning of. I might as well stop the conversation here, because you have shown a true lack of how to hold an opposing view here. Might as well just call me a "doo-doo head" and run off to your mommy.

Apparently you have never been into any of the mentioned lifestyles, or you wouldn't call them mere fetishes. The attraction to members of the same sex is different than being attracted to people that are significantly older than you? So gender trumps age, and the two are different? Many would disagree with that. Its part of sexual orientation for some, and they wont even DATE anyone remotely near their age. Not all, but some. I'd love to see you take your argument to the S&M community, you'd get chewed up whole and spit out. There'san entire bunch of people who cannot enjoy normal sex, and can only attain the same pleasure via this lifestyle. Is it their choice that they can't just enjoy normal sex? Is it just a fetish? Again, I think not.Yet, there are some for who it IS a choice/preference.

My point at the end of it is this - some people are hardwired to be a certain way, or even more unfortunately, are the way they are due to the circumstances of bad childhood memories. Then there are others who simply have opened their mind to the lifestyle and found it to be enjoyable. I'm sure you are aware of this, but the male G-spot is found within the anus. If a "curious" guy got hit there, he'd have the experience of a lifetime, and possibly prefer it in the future, bringing him to the gay community by choice and free-willed experimentation.

Do me a favor, if you're going to do nothing but use some childish rebuttle like your last attempt, just take your bat and ball and go home.