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sony probably have given up on first place but i doubt they even care about the xbox 360! 2nd place is a given for them. also how can it be too late? it is only if you have your head up your ass. ps3 has been out for 2 years in america and not even 2 years yet in europe. so its still way too early for ps3 and in those 2 years they have had great sales even going through a whole load of shit! why are sales going to slow down for sony? when their console is still the most expensive AND still the youngest?


I would hope both Sony and MS have given up on first place cause WII has been crowned champ this generation.  The issue is the 360 has been out 3 years and heading into its 4th year.  The 360 has a 6.2 million lead and GROWING which is really the issue.  By the end of christmas it should be over 7 million and even if the PS3 starts to turn it around in 2009 they have NO shot of catching them in 2009.  The new generation of consoles will proibably come in 2011 which means PS3 is in third pretty much the whole generation

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks