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sony probably have given up on first place but i doubt they even care about the xbox 360! 2nd place is a given for them. also how can it be too late? it is only if you have your head up your ass. ps3 has been out for 2 years in america and not even 2 years yet in europe. so its still way too early for ps3 and in those 2 years they have had great sales even going through a whole load of shit! why are sales going to slow down for sony? when their console is still the most expensive AND still the youngest?

I agree with this, and it is why it is too late for Sony. 

Seriously though, the age of the console doesn't really matter. When the HW is about the same, neither will really feel old before the other one. 

I also don't see how Sony can drop the price much easier than MS can. 

I believe Sony now loses ~ 50 dollars pr console sold, and MS loses slightly less (MS made a tiny amount of money pr console sold before the price cut. Sony lost a tiny amount. If the dollar/Euro hadn't dived, Sony would have lost less, but as it did, I believe they now lose more than the 360. 

Now, of course - it is slightly easier to reduce costs of something expensive than something cheap. Still, I would think that it would go like this.

Ps3: 399 dollars

Xbox 360: 199/299/349 (different skus, I believe this is pretty much the price)

Sony drops price

Ps3: 349: 

X360: 199/249/299

Ps3: 299: 

X360: 149/199/249

You see, the Ps3 will always be more expensive to make than the X360 Elite. As the Elite will always be a lot higher priced than the Arcade (and to a certain degree Pro), this means that Ps3 will always cost more. 

Even when (if), Ps3 reaches 149 dollars, the X360 will probably be

79/99/129 dollars. 

And by that time, a new more powerful console will have launched. So you can either go by the cheap one, the powerful one, or the medium expensive one, that is also about as powerful as the cheap one. 

It isn't going to change a lot in the price area.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS