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ranzchic said: ==================== jmcoo7 said: I reckon in the end the three will be almost identical in sales , and that is not a bad thing if all sell well and make profits in the end even if it takes ages for sony will mean better choice next gen . i do not want just two companies vying for domination thats way too boring and limits choice even though i loathe Microsoft i still wish them well this gen . ================================================= Nope, not gonna happen. There is always a clear winner. Even if one fails, I'm sure another company will enter the race because of the chasm left by the loser. Google, Dell, Apple, HP or even EA all have the resources to launch their own hardware. Sega bowing out and Microsoft stepping in is a recent example.
Thank you, ranzchic. It's the egalitarian approach, the Na-Na-Na-Gonna-Have-A-Good-Time-from-Fat-Albert kind of mindset that makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy but it never turns out that way. The ONLY time and I mean the ONLY time when competition was EVER close in the console contest was in the 4th generation between Sega Genesis & Super Nintendo. Nintendo coming off of the momentum of the NES and Sega jumpstarting new momentum through their earlier 4th gen start & strategic marketing (Nintendon't). THAT'S why it was close. And it was only close in certain regions not worldwide. I love this "All 3 will win" attitude. It sounds nice. It feels nice. And everybody has their representation in the marketplace. The customers have the candy store to themselves. But it just doesn't work out that way. Wii owns this 7th generation & the #2 worldwide spot is dependent on what XBox 360 does to derail Sony's PS3. Since XBox 360 means nothing in Japan they have to count on the other markets to push Sony out of the fight. Europe seems to be PS3 friendly so far so we'll just have to see how the two companies work out. Europe is the only territory that is debateable at this point. John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot