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marriage is between a man and a women i believe that is in cali constitution and that is why it is so hard for gays to get married in cali. i know some states marriages is not defined in that detail that is why some states have gay marriages. it is funny that gays pick on the mormons for doing this to them but didn't we cali folks did it to u hard real hard :). don't blame the mormons u got to blame the people in cali and all the churches that said to their subjects to vote yes on prop 8. u thought this was going to be so easy in cali that it was going to past just like that with snap of ur fingers californians voted and we voted yes on prop 8 and gays been trying to get married in our state for a long time it was on ballot a while back and it was turned down again we californians felt sorry and gave u civil unions, but u wanted more and their has to be a line.

it is hella funny when gays say it is discrimination and try to make it as big as race discrimination do u know what minorities went through to try to get equal rights for their people, and gays think their cause is as big as that hell u werent slaves u didn't die trying to build the railroads u didn't go in enterment camps because of ur race and they way ur eyes looked u weren't subject to this because of ur skin or the way u looked. that is hella funny when was a gay white person discrimnated because of skin color or beaten because of his color of skin because he looked different. i cannot hide my color or the shape of my eyes. we all know the their should be a seperation between church and state, but lets be real church and state work so closely together. we got hella lot of lefty politicians here in cali and that doesn't mean the people in cali are all lefty. we cali have really high tolerance and views than most states but we do have a line when it comes to matters that we care about and this was a big win in cali. we the people in cali voted yes on prop 8.

it is funny to me that 80 percent of blacks voted yes on prop 8 and voted for obama, and of course majority if not all gays in cali voted for obama i love the irony in this u voted for the black guy but the blacks didn't vote for u. even obama and biden didn't even want to talk about this subject in their debates because they didn't have a really good stance and didn't want to touch this subject with a ten feet poll obama could of done a lot of commericals in cali to say to his race to vote no on prop 8 but didn't because o'riley and hannity we of killed him this particular issue.

civil unions are enough u guys went to far with the marriage thing it was not the right time for marriage u should of worked and put more substance on civil unions and the next time in 4 years introduce the marriage proposal i think it was a little to early but it was a step we cali tolerate gays but don't force ur gay views down our throats. gays should be happy they even have rights some countries ur not tolerated be happy u live in us.