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Grey Acumen said:

This is amusing.

Actually, in many ways I feel that trumpeting the gay agenda has actually had a backlash on this, as straight guys are too worried about coming across as gay if they form an emotional connection with another guy.

Women though, that I knew nothing about until I actually got experience on the subject, even then I don't fully understand it, and am still learning even to this day.

There's a tendency for guys to act a certain way and women to act in a different way, but that's hardly the case for all men and women.

"I'm into men because women are backstabbing bitches"

I could even possibly be bisexual myself.

If my fiance were a guy, I would probably still have just as deep of a connection with "him" but I just wouldn't see the need for sex to be part of that.

Heck, sex isn't a requirement for our relationship as it is, it's just an activity I enjoy with her due to the fact that it is perfectly natural.



I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.