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wow Grey Acumen, you have some of the worst, most homophobic views on the matter that i have ever seen. So your fine with man loving a man, as long as they don't have sex, with each other, in the privacy of their own homes?
I am sure when you see 2 gay people, in a loving relationship, walking down the street, HOLDING HANDS, your blood just boils. God forbid they give each other a peck on the cheek.

To be perfectly honest you sound like one of those republican politicians, trumpeting homophobic hate speech, only to be found by your wife banging the Pool Boy whilst vacationing in Tia Juana.

And no, your sexuality is not a choice. There are a lot more scientific findings relating to people being born gay, than there are otherwise.

Straight guys can bang as many guys as they want and they might even enjoy it, and vice verse, but it always ends the same way. Gay men have had to suffer through loveless marriages for decades, due to social stigma.

Even i have dated a few girls in my time (thats the other thing, it is still very hard for young people, especially if they are raised by bible thumpers, to come to terms with their sexuality) i personally always found my eyes wandering to the cute waiter.