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PC Discussion - HomeWorld 3 - View Post

gurok said:
omgwtfbbq said:
it's not about being good at it. Homeworld was just epic. I still think it has the best story of any game I've ever played and it's so well delivered (if a bit sparse). In fact, this was the first and to this day only game that seriously moved me to the point of almost crying, and to do so in only the third mission.


I personally cannot wait for this game.

Pardon me, I was speaking from a purely multiplayer perspective. Please don't misinterpret that as me showing disrespect to the game's story. I don't own either game. I've only ever played them at LANs, and you can guess what the focus was on there. From the few games I've played of each, there seems to be a very steep learning curve involved in playing both games multiplayer.

I think if you didn't play through the single player campaign in Homeworld you missed the most important part of the game. I can understand then your frustration at the steep learning curve and difficulty playing. It can be frustrating to get used to given there was no other game like it.

it's a timeless classic, you could play it today and it would still be fantastic.


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