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MikeB said:

With regard to point 1 I agree, the gap is probably widening this holiday season, while before the gap got smaller by over 3 million since the beginning of 2007 up to September 2008. At an entry pricing of 149 Euro vs more than double that for the PS3 and all big and small hits on the original XBox already seen sequels on the 360 but yet has to reach that platform's install base is smaller, it would be expected for this year.

With regard to point 2, the PS2 is still selling well so the previous generation isn't over yet. Likewise I think this generation of console's will last very long (nomatter if another console may be discontinued earlier). The 360 could have been discontinued its first year before the Wii launched, could anyone really claim victory for the 360 if that happened?


oh mike , why you always have idea that 360 will be discontinue, it will be there even if xbox 720 released, remember xbox 720 will be BC to xbox 360,

and xbox1 is discontinue because MS don't hold the right to all CPU and GPU patent,  xbox 360 is different matter, MS hold all the Xbox 360 IP. so why they want to discontinue it, it is like twisting logic.


oh BTW , what about your PS3 superiority thread and, yes i'm amiga fan too, long live amiga, or morpos :)