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I do not think we can even agree that this rumored price cut can even accomplish that. Even if it is a hundred dollar price cut. That still does not address the price point of the Arcade. Nor does it address the disparity of the lineup which actually looks stronger for the 360. Nor does it address the issue of momentum. Nor does it alter the dynamic brought upon by a global recession.

This rumored price cut is not the Messiah descending from the mountain. In fact it is probably hurting the consoles current sales. This is why it is so stupid to play it up. With all the talk going around you only ensure you spread the news further, and it is more likely to find its way between the ears of potential purchasers who now take a seat on the fence waiting for a price cut.

This rumored price cut does not equate to some kind of guaranteed reversal of the wheel of fortune. We should not be discussing it in any hypothetical sense either.