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Don't buy the 4870 if it's going to set you back the equivalent of $500 USD. That's way too much for the performance bump from a 9600GT.

I have a Palit 9600GT 1GB and a Visiontek HD4870 512MB and the only game that makes a significant difference in playability is Crysis/Warhead (assuming 1920x1080 or lower resolution). Just about every other game runs at maxed out settings with 30-60+ fps.

I built a rig with a Palit HD4870x2 and for the difference in price over the HD4870, again; not worth the difference in price unless you're simply trying to build the fastest rig, money considerations aside.

For the vast majority of games, the 9600GT performs great for the price they currently go for. It's a good card although if you can get a 8800GT for maybe $10-20 USD more, it's worth the small premium.

Other cost consideration between a 4870 and a 9600GT (which is already at least twice the price) is your PSU. The 4870 uses a lot more power than a 9600GT and would probably require a new power supply if you're currently using anything under 500watts.