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steven787 said:
1 - New York didn't have enough machines. Leon county Florida opened late.
2 - A really smart guy was telling me about Black Panthers at a polling place scaring off people.
3 - Throwing out someone's vote is just as bad as changing their vote.

If you have one democrat and one republican, it is likely they won't agree on a vote. So someone else makes the decision. There are other influeces, parties, and biases.

Outside supervision doesn't make the final decision, they ensure that a fair decision is reached by monitoring the process. Political parties, voters, and candidates shouldn't be the ones who have to pay to ensure the vote counts, the country as a whole has the responsibility to ensure everyone's votes count. A political candidate who doesn't have the financial backing isn't able to fight it.

This is actually a direct criticism of the whole system, a system that McCain designed and helped Obama to win. When a candidate is expected to spend millions on a campaign and ensuring fair elections, then the fair election under a secret ballot is already discredited. The whole system needs to be reworked and demonetized. I owned a business and love money but money shouldn't be so important in an election.

1) New York didn't have enough machines because their government stupidly picked a bunch of crappy machines with high failure rates.

What would international observers due to stop the NY elections board from being idiots and forcing counties to pick between a bunch of bad choices?

Other then that we've got one county... out of over 3,000 that started late.  I wouldn't call that voter fraud, i'd call that a miracle.

2) At on polling place, and the police took care of it.  I mean, anyone somewhat frightened could of just called the police and been escorted in.  One polling place out of... tens of thousands?  Then someone else called in at Akron, because they felt intimidated because one of the cars in the parking lot had a confederate flag bumper sticker.  Some people are intimidated by bumper stickers... i mean how would international observers fix that?

3) I'd agree there but people really have little choice when the voter doesn't correctly follow the instructions.


I agree with your general critcisms but UN observers wouldn't fix any of it.  The real problem is how to stop money from playing a roll without stopping freedom of speach.