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1 - New York didn't have enough machines. Leon county Florida opened late.
2 - A really smart guy was telling me about Black Panthers at a polling place scaring off people.
3 - Throwing out someone's vote is just as bad as changing their vote.

If you have one democrat and one republican, it is likely they won't agree on a vote. So someone else makes the decision. There are other influeces, parties, and biases.

Outside supervision doesn't make the final decision, they ensure that a fair decision is reached by monitoring the process. Political parties, voters, and candidates shouldn't be the ones who have to pay to ensure the vote counts, the country as a whole has the responsibility to ensure everyone's votes count. A political candidate who doesn't have the financial backing isn't able to fight it.

This is actually a direct criticism of the whole system, a system that McCain designed and helped Obama to win. When a candidate is expected to spend millions on a campaign and ensuring fair elections, then the fair election under a secret ballot is already discredited. The whole system needs to be reworked and demonetized. I owned a business and love money but money shouldn't be so important in an election.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.