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steven787 said:

Elected and appointed officials and judges should not be the ones to decide to not count a perfectly good ballot with an obvious stray pen mark.

Edit:  Why is it that most people who are always trying to shoot down voter access and representation are conservative?  It's not all conservatives, I know; but it's hardly ever liberals who want to block others from voting or having their votes count.

That's because liberals perfer making up voters and vote twice under assumed names.

It's just been the tradition of both sides.  Dirty republicans try to come up with schemes to prevent voting (That guy who tried to make people who lost their homes ineligable to vote.)

Dirty Democrats try voter fraud (Flood the election offical with last minute mostly fradulent voter registration, register people ineligable for voting, try and vote under their names.)  Though apparently they did attempt a little of the stopping people from voting this current election.  (See armed black panthers above.)

It doesn't so much stop voter fraud, as make one kind of voter fraud harder, and the other kind easier.

UN observers would do... neither.

Still i'd say a judge is a better choice then international observers to decide what votes are coutned.  International observers are going to come in with their own biases as well.  The US being one of the biggest countries in the world... who gets elected is going to matter to their country a lot more then others... and lets be honest, the international community does have a wee bit of bias lately.

Perferably it would be if the elected officials would pass laws on what counts before the election and stuck to them however.