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Before choosing and commenting, I want you all to know that this question is based on hypothetical price cuts for the PS3 in 2009. Let's say Sony decides to cut the price of the PS3 (base model) by $100 by the end of 2009, how would you guys plan the price cut(s) if you were in charge.


  • Choice A.

A $100 price cut on March (or sometime during Spring) of 09.


  • Choice B.

A $50 price cut on March (or sometime during Spring) of 09, and another $50 price cut close to the holiday season of 09.

  • Choice C.

A $100 price cut during (or shortly before) the holiday season of 09.


  • Choice D.

Some other time in 2009.


Which of these options would have the largest and best impact regarding total hardware sales?

note: These choices are based on the competetion keeping their prices and models unchanged for the entire year.

I'd say the most logical answer is choice B.