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stof said:
Kasz216 said:
steven787 said:
I think we should allow in UN Observers to our elections but, generally, Americans are extremely xenophobic and they will not let them in for fear of giving up their country to foreigners.

I think we would allow UN obversvers to come if they wanted to... (have we actually refused a request?)

I don't think they really have the time or resources to waste on a country so large with so few problems though.



I'd disagree with this statement. Over the last 10 years there have been numerous problems reported at the polls, not to mention the debacle of the paperless electronic ballot (what idiot thought that one up) and frankly, after Florida in 2000, it's a little disturbing that Bush's first act as President wasn't to push for a more sound election process.

That's because it was a close election.  There's always going to be problems.  Things happen.

I mean look at this year.  Not close at all presidental wise... and basically heard nothing.

People will find reasons to complain when it's close.

Florida's only real problem is that for some reason they can't make a ballot that doesn't look confusing.

That and a little bit of false voter registration favoring the democrats.  Something like 70,000 i think who were felons who were voting illegally?

Florida needs a uniform ballot law.  But that really isn't the federal governments job.

Ohio had a bigger issue then Florida did in the 2004 election... and that just turned out to be Blackwell getting the paperless ballots because he owned stock in Diebold. (despite the fact everyone voted to have paper trail ones.)