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FinalFantasy main series on the X360 in my books that counts as blasphemy.

/this is NOT sarcasm.

Sorry if i offend anyone but FFXI only went to X360 because of Live® and it didnt sell very well under 1million which is very strange for FF that consistenly sells more than 2million units on the main series(except III which was only released in JPN). The Last Remnant is basicly a crash course test for S-E on the X360 against PS3 to see which one wants JRPG's more which will most likely be PS3 because it has a much better userbase in JPN and thats where JRPG's thrive.FFXIII cant go to X360 very easily because of the WhiteEngine designed to optimize the PS3 CELL.If FFXIV is using the UE3 then it will probably end up on the X360 but if not then it wont go to X360.

End of 2014 Hardware Predictions (03/03/14)

PlayStation 4: 12-15million

Xbox One: 7-10 million

Wii U: 8-9 million (Changed 01/04/2014 from 7-9 --> 8-9 million)